Thursday, December 7, 2006

Borland C++ Builder 3 in 21 Days: Day 1 contains the news groups. is the company site. is the site for the most recent release of Borland C++ Builder. cannot be found.

A Quick Look at the C++ Builder
integrated development environment (IDE)

Top of screen is the main window. It contains a toolbar to the left and a Component palette on the right.

component - a self-contained binary piece of software that performs some specific predefined function.

Object Inspector (bottom left)

property - determines the operation of a component.

event - something that occurs as a result of a component's interaction with the user or with Windows.

event handler - a method invoked in your application in response to an event.

C++ Builder workspace

From Designer - enables me to create forms.

Code Editor - where I type the code when I write my program.

To get a console in C++Builder 6


Select the 'Console Wizard' under the 'New' tab.

To find out where something is declared. Select it and then press 'F1' key.

Manipulators - used to control how streams are handled.

Created by first console application.

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